Thursday, January 20, 2011

One thing after another, EXCUSES

Well, I have allowed excuses to pile up around me for not working out this week. New medication that prevents me from sleeping, not feeling well, etc. NO MORE, Today I am doing a nice long workout to get rid of some kinks, some stress, SOME CALORIES! And most importantly EXCUSES!

I found some motivation in some other weight loss blogs and through reading the Weight Watchers e-mail today. I love that I can "Like" them on facebook and get updates and such from them. I am still deliberating joining, getting my hubby on board that it is worth the monthly/weekly fee is the hardest part.

~*DISCLAIMER *~ I am going to share some huge honesty today, and since my roomie reads my blog, I want to warn her: I am not mad at you! This is just the way it works when you are trying to be healthy and "family" or family is around. It doesn't matter who it is, there is always someone that makes you realize these things.
** When living with thin people or people who can eat anything they want and still look great, AKA my husband and sister, it is hard to keep positive thoughts flowing. I go to the store and get healthy foods, and yet Taco Bell creeps into my home. Birthday cake is requested. Chips come into play and all kinds of yummy things I shouldn't be eating. Sweets are my weakest spot, and when those are around, you can forget it, my will power packs its bags and frowningly walks out the door. So I get very very down on myself when these triggers appear. The same thing happens when I am at the home of a friend or family member; I don't EVER EVER EVER expect them to cook or provide food to my needs, I am not that person, but sometimes it is hard to stay positive and on track when these positions present themselves.

I just needed to share that and ask for any comments available. If you deal with this or have dealt with any of today's topics please let me know how. I have found certain days I am just too down to care about a whole lot, and I HATE FEELING THAT WAY! I am not a down in the dumps person, but this weight is bringing me down, instead of it going down!

So to follow up to my disclaimer, it is not that people around me frustrate me, it is the fact that I can't control myself that frustrates me. The anger is all self directed, not directed at anyone else!!!! Please know and understand this!!!

1 comment:

  1. I let myself slip last weekend, this week and today.
    I feel awful for letting myself down.

    I'm not sure what to say to "help"
    It just makes me happy to know neither of us are alone...also makes me feel like less of a diet failure. =]

    Every morning I wake up and "start fresh" if I slip up that day, I just start over again.
    I gave myself a little "wiggle room" but that room took over the whole house.
    I've been saying a lot of prayers, but it seems like right after I pray I end up in the donuts aisle and I'm WAY tempted.....
