I am continuing the Sugar updates, it is not happening. Going off sugar cold turkey is not a good idea. The headaches and cravings are not fun. So it is happening gradually. Like a friend said, sometimes it is better to allow yourself one treat a week than to go off sugar all together. I think this is going to be my new plan. That is the lovely thing about plans; they can be changed! Hallelujah for that.
I guess I am sort of taking on the ideas of Weight Watchers Flex Plan, where they give you a little wiggle room and then it makes it less of dieting and more of getting yourself into healthy habits.
So I am having less sugar and healthier sugar options. I will keep you updated of course!
hey, i have a weight watchers account online that is good through the end of february.... i can give you my login information and you can explore/preview the site if you want :) it has lots of good resources