Sunday, January 9, 2011


Sugar is my biggest enemy at the moment. I am trying my hardest to avoid refined sugar and sugary items. I know sugar is in starches, which I am limiting, and in fruits and other things naturally; I am not trying to remove that sugar. I am removing the added sugars and fake sugars. I am going to be making Ice Tea with Stevia instead of sugar, not eating sweet desserts, not eating or drinking things loaded with sugar and sugar alcohol. AND IT IS HAAARRRDDDD! I crave sugar like an alcoholic craves beer. If there is sugar around, it literally consumes my thoughts and the longer I go without it, the harder it is to refuse. Please pray for me on this issue and offer any encouragement or tips that will help, PLEASE SHARE THEM!

Thanks in advance! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you Courtney. We all love surgar, and need to take it out of our diet. I sometimes tell myself to do it cold turkey, but have never been brave enough. I do sip on tea alot with a little sugar in it, and it seems to help me not want to eat other sweets.
